Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4 Update - Rudder Controls

Lots of things done the last couple of weeks...

Struts for horizontal stabilizer

Struts attached to tail

Here I thought I was done making all the struts, but forgot I had to make the ones that brace the horizontal stabilizer.  These also move with the stabilizer as the trim is adjusted.  It's the same strut material that the aileron slave struts were made from

With the aileron and elevator cables done, it was also time to begin work on the rudder controls.  

Old floor temporarily installed
Cindy trying it out for size

I was fortunate to have the old floor so I could check fit of everything.  I temporarily installed the original rudder pedals with drywall screws (that ought to work, right!!) then made mock-up cables like I did for the ailerons.  I still need to rig the front pedals.  There will be short inter-connect cables between the front and rear pedals.

While I had the floor in, I installed the seat and had Cindy crawl in and give it a try.  

Should be flying in a couple of weeks...

New Floor
Once I was satisfied with the fit of everything, I could make a new floor.  The floor is in 2 pieces as seen in this photo.  I chose not to use aircraft plywood, because I didn't want it to look too perfect.  If you pay attention to how many of these old aircraft were made, very little was wasted.  Most of the structural components were made from high-quality wood, but the non-structural ones were made from just about anything.  I even have an original wing rib that was made from part of a shipping crate with the Lincoln-Page address printed on it!

So I wanted some variable grain visible in the wood.  I found a nice piece of marine plywood in our local home center that had just the grain pattern I was looking for.  Marine plywood is an OK product for non-structural parts (like the floor) as the glues that are used are weather resistant.  After adding the same reinforcements that the original had, I gave it a couple coats of varnish and it turned out looking great.

All the new components cut and ready to be welded together.
Original pedal shown to the left.

New pedals after being welded

I had the original pedals, but was missing one.  Most were rather corroded so I decided to make all new ones.

Close-up of pedal and mounting brackets.

The brackets that mount the pedals and allow them to pivot are shown in this photo.  The short length of tubing is brazed to the flat piece.  The originals were done this way, probably so the excess heat of welding them on would not distort the ID of the tubing.

With everything now fabricated, the parts can be painted.  I also need to make the final rudder cables - they will be wrapped and soldered like everything else.

In the meantime, our favorite fly-in the year is coming up next weekend.  The Midwest Antique Airplane Club (MAAC) event at Brodhead.  We'll be there Friday thru Sunday.  I will be giving lots of rides in the museum's Curtiss Wright Travel Air and just hanging out with all our friends.  If you are there, look me up and say hi!

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