Sunday, October 8, 2017

Work Resumes!

What's this, a new blog post?  I'm happy to say that after taking possession of our new hangar in Brodhead on June 1st, I officially finished getting it ready on October 7th.  This, of course, involved the move, but most time was spent building and setting up my new shop and the rest of the hangar.  

I was spoiled in my last hangar - the whole thing was heated.  Here, it was going to be too much work, so I opted for building just a shop that I can heat and air-condition.  It gives me enough room for fabrication as well as room for a wing panel or fuselage.

 Here's a couple shots of the inside...

I then celebrated the completion by immediately starting on the L-P again.  I actually got a few things done prior - I was getting nervous that I would run out of warm enough weather to paint and there were a few things I had to get done.

My previous posts talked about my disappointment with the red paint.  Well I got it re-sprayed with a very good match this time.  I also wanted to get the flying wires painted.  Painted?  Yes, early aircraft did not use stainless steel wires.  They were carbon steel either painted or covered with spray metal - a molten aluminum coating.  I use an aluminum epoxy coating from Tenaco that is the perfect color and very durable.

 Here they are, ready to be installed.

 And here's the fuselage.  Sorry it's covered up.  I just grabbed some quick shots as I left the hangar today.  I think you can tell, though, even under the plastic how much better the match between the red on the metal and fabric is.

Also, the fuselage is leveled longitudinally and laterally in preparation for the wing attachment.  That is next on the agenda.  I like to build a wooden structure to support and adjust the wings when I install them.  I can get the rigging much more precise this way.

So, over the next couple of weeks I hope to have the structure built and the wings installed!

Things are drawing to a close on this project.  I doubt I'll be doing any test flying yet this fall, but will certainly continue to keep everyone posted on the progress.  Stay Tuned!

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