Sunday, October 12, 2014

Upper Wings #1

Bottom wings are done.  Aluminum on leading edge
is just there to distribute the weight while in storage

With the bottom wings done and stored in wing stands, I'm getting a good start on the upper wings.  After doing the lower ones, it's in many ways like starting all over again.  All the fittings are different, and no wing walk area at the root of the wings.  Fortunately, the ribs, internal bracing, wing tip bow and ailerons are the same as the lower wings.

What's left of original upper RH wing

More of the upper wings survived the years of storage.  This makes for a little less engineering involved in figuring out angles of struts and wires.  Most of the fittings survived too, which will be useful as patterns.

Spars with rib locations marked

The spars for all the wings were made at the same time, so the first step was to lay out all the rib locations. Andy and Dennis finished all the ribs, therefore it's just a matter of gluing on the triangular glue blocks and attaching them in their proper locations.  But first, I need to make all the fittings and brackets to properly locate them on the spars.

Original cabane and wire fittings

Here's what I have for original brackets.  These will be useful for patterns, but that's it - none are useable.  All will be made from .100" 4130.  On some, it was fairly easy to flatten them out.  On others, I'll just take dimensions to duplicate them.

These are the fittings that attach the two wing panels
together in the middle (there is no center section)

It can't be all work and no play.  We've had great weather this fall, and the leaves are just about at their peak colors, so we took the mighty Funk out for some sightseeing.

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